Alpha at Excelsior
Tuesdays, March 11 - May 20, 2025 (break on 4/1)
6:00 - 8:00pm (dinner included)
Excelsior Covenant Church
19955 Excelsior Blvd
Excelsior, MN 55331
Childcare is available - please let us know in your registration if you will need it.

What is Alpha?
Alpha is a chance to ask questions and explore the Christian faith in a fun, no-pressure environment.
Alpha includes 10 sessions. We would love to have you join!

Who is it for?
Alpha is for anyone who’s curious – from those who are unfamiliar with Christianity to those who may want to deepen their faith. The videos are designed to encourage conversation on life, faith, and God and explore the Christian faith. No question is out of bounds and doubts are welcomed.

How does Alpha work?
Each session includes a dinner, welcome, a joke, a 20-minute video, and discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. We have discussions in small groups, and we stick with the same small group throughout the 10 weeks, allowing a comfort level to develop and relationships to build.

What if I try Alpha and don't like it?
If at any point you decide Alpha isn’t for you, that’s not a problem. There’s no pressure, no follow up, and no charge. And each video session stands on its own, so come when you can!

Dates and Time
Every Tuesday, March 11 – May 20, 2025 (break on 4/1)
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Dinner included
Cost: none